7th Pay Commission Collects Various Data of Central
Government Employees
7th Pay
Commission recently called for information from all the Ministries and issued a
format which requires various data about the central government employees
working in Ministries / Departments. All the Ministries directed their
respective departments to submit the information as required by Seventh central
Pay Commission immediately. Many departments told that they have submitted the
desired data/information in the prescribed format to seventh pay commission.
The central government departments were asked to submit the fallowing
information about central government employees.
1.Data on Personnel
Group wise Sanctioned Strength and Number in position of all
Group Employees as on Pre 01-01-2014 and post 01-01-2014 also required to be
2. Age Profile of employees
The total number of personnel in position as
on 01/01/2014
Those less than 20 years of age
20 or more but less than 30 years of age
30 or more but less than 40 years of age
40 or more but less than 50 years of age
50 or more but less than 60 years of age
60 or more years of age
20 or more but less than 30 years of age
30 or more but less than 40 years of age
40 or more but less than 50 years of age
50 or more but less than 60 years of age
60 or more years of age
3.Autonomous bodies under the Ministry/department(As on
Number of Central Autonomous bodies :
No of personnel in Central Autonomous Bodies:
No of personnel in Central Autonomous Bodies:
4.The fallowing Data on Expenditure on salaries &
Allowance for Three financial years from 2010-11, 2011-12, and 2012-13
1.Total Plan expenditure
2.Plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
3. Total non plan expenditure
4. Non plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
5. Total expenditure (1+3)
6. Total expenditure on salaries& Allowances (2+4)
7. Expenditure on Grants in aid Salaries
2.Plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
3. Total non plan expenditure
4. Non plan expenditure on Salaries & Allowances
5. Total expenditure (1+3)
6. Total expenditure on salaries& Allowances (2+4)
7. Expenditure on Grants in aid Salaries
5.Data on Contractual Employees
Ministry/Departments have in the recent past, outsourced various services
through personnel engaged on contractual basis. In this regard the following
data is sought:
Man months of deployment at various remuneration levels i.e
in four categories
a) 10000 and less per month
b) From 10001 to 20000 per month
c) From 20001 to 50000 per month
d) Over 50000 per Month
Expenditure incurred on contract employees
a) 10000 and less per month
b) From 10001 to 20000 per month
c) From 20001 to 50000 per month
d) Over 50000 per Month
Expenditure incurred on contract employees
6.Data on Training of Employees.
The prescribed
Format which requires all the above information has been sent to all the
Departments by 7th pay commission and directed to submit the information with
in the stipulated date
CGHS Empanelled Hospitals should not
charge the CGHS 2014 rates
They should charge only the
CGHS 2010 rates till the New rates approved by MOH
CGHS rates
2014 have been placed on CGHS website for information and acceptance only
F. No. S. 11011/20/2014-CGHS (HEC)
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
Dated, 16th July, 2014
It has been brought
to the notice of the undersigned that some of the CGHS empanelled Health Care
Organizations have started charging new CGHS rates 2014 which have been placed
on CGHS website for information and acceptance only. Since these rates have not
yet been notified by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the empanelled HCOs
cannot charge these new rates and CGHS 2010 rates would prevail. Charging these
new rates 2014 from CGHS beneficiaries by empanelled health care organizations
would amount to overcharging and suitable action including recovery of
overcharged amount and forfeiture of performance bank guarantee would be
initiated against those HCOs by CGHS.
Dr. (Mrs.) Sharda Verma
Director (CGHS)
Director (CGHS)
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