Monday, 1 June 2015

Date : 1st June, 2015

The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,

Subject : Grant of selection grade pay to Lift Operators

              With utmost respect, we place the following for your kind consideration and necessary orders please.

              As per the judgment of Hon’ble Court the Department has extended the benefit of Selection Grade to Shri K.L.Tiwari, Lift Operator vide Chief Engineer’s letter No.3-2/2013-CWP/627 dated 03.06.2013 and issued a subsequent clarification of even No.945 dated 17.06.2014.  But there are number of Lift Operators who re eligible for the same benefit is deprived off the benefit as they are not the petitioners in the Court Case. 

              As the employees who are deprived off the benefit are approaching us to resolve the issue administratively instead of litigation so that both the Department and employees can save their time, energy and financial implications for the litigation. 

              Hence we are requesting to reconsider the issue and of granting selection grade pay to Lift Operators as is done in the above said case.

              Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,


Copy to the Chief Engineer(Civil), Postal, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi for favour of consideration

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