Friday, 22 July 2016




Implementation of cadre restructuring committee recommendation
During the last meeting it was informed that the recommendations are under examination in consultation with the Establishment Division of the Department. The same has not yet been decided.  The implementation of the same is eagerly waiting by the staff members hence the action may kindly be completed lat the earliest at least prior to the implementation of the VII Pay commission recommendation.
Promotion of MTS
The department has sought information regarding the working MTS who possess 12th Class pass vide letter No.10/10/2010/CWP dated 17.09.2010 but no further action has been taken and directions to concerned Superintending Engineers are pending till date hence the eligible promotions have been denied to the MTS. 
Committee for reorganization of Civil Wing
Now the Department is concentrating on infrastructural developments for the new generation businesses, the strengthening of the Civil Wing has its own contribution for the same, hence the reorganization of the Civil Wing is the need of hour.  But since last meeting there is no development in this regard.
Recruiitment Rules of Works Clerk Grade-I
No Recruitment Rule for WC Grade-I revised as per the VIth Pay Commission recommendations.  It is therefore proposed to consider the same for revision of RRs and publishing it for the benefit of staff.
Placing the Office Superintendents at par with the CPWD norms
The CPWD has placed the office superintendents in the Circle Offices vide their order No.48(174)/09/S&D/363 dated 13.06.2012 as Assistant Administrative Officer in PH-2 Grade Pay `4600/- but was kept in abeyance then.  Now the CPWD has implemented the order.  Since, the nature of work in Postal Civil Wing is also based on the CPWD Manuals and norms, the posts may be upgraded at par with CPWD and recommendation of the Cade Restructuring Committee may be revised accordingly.
Appointment of Draughtsman
As per the information available, there are no Junior Draughtsman is at present working in the Civil Wing.  As the post of Draughtsman carries higher responsible duties in the Division Offices which is at present looked after by the unqualified ministerial staff.  The draft recruitment rule for the Draughtsman has been framed and published by the Department but the final RR have not yet been published in the Gazette hence not implemented yet as per the requirement of VI CPC.  Which is delaying the promotion Group-D who are having qualifications and no new recruitment is proposed by any Circle yet.  The matter may be considered immediately
Posting of Ministerial Staff  in the Home State
At present the cadre ministerial cadre is divided as Assistant/Works Clerk Grade-I/Grade-II.  Even though we have placed before the Cadre Restructuring Committee to bring all these cadres at par with the Postal Assistants and if the same is accepted by the Department the implementation may consume lot of time as it requires consultation with other Departments also.  Till such time, the transfer and postings of the Grade-I and Grade-II clerks may be restricted within the Home State by interchanging the posts with Division and Sub-Division offices under the co-ordination circles.  Further, the WC Grade-I clerks may also be incorporated in the Rule-38 transfers within the Department.
Up-gradation of grade pay to Wireman
The up-gradation of grade pay to wire man cadre in the Department is pending in various offices due to non-availability of clear cut clarification regarding the type of training they required to be acquired for up-gradation of grade pay.  In the last meeting it was intimated that since this is a matter pertains to SE(E)
Grant of selection grade pay to Lift Operators
No action taken by the Superintending Engineers (Electrical) since last meeting.
Formal meeting with circle level
No Superintending Engineer has invited our union since the last meeting even though there was clear direction to them
The Department has issued one time relaxation for clearance of Junior Engineers (Civil/Elect) from training, but the Superintending Engineer, Bangalore has not yet commenced any action on it.
Relaxation for getting MACP benefits to the staff members who have been posted to other state than home state
Due to various reasons and family circumstances etc. number of staff member not proceeding on transfer to other than home state.  Matter may kindly be considered for according one time relaxation.
Rule-38 transfer to newly recruited W.C.Grade-II staff members
Number of W.C.Grade-II have been placed at various places other than their home circles and they are requesting for Rule-38 transfers and is pending in various Circle Offices/Chief Engineers office.  The matter may be considered favourably for transfers according to their choices subject to vacancies.
Flive days working week for Junior Engineers
The matter was taken up by us during the last meeting and it was decided to take up this matter with circles during the meeting.  As stated above no meeting was held.  However, I have sought information under RTI from the Department wherein it has noticed that except in Bangalore and Chennai nowhere in the country the application for leave from Junior Engineers are obtained for six days in a week.  What we feel that there is no exemption for Tamilynadu and Bangalore in this case and they are supposed to follow the uniformity with other Circles and Divisions.  A direction may be issued to the concerned at the earliest to revise all leave cases in accordance with five days week immediately.
Assignment of works to Assistants in Division Office
Without any authority as per the information under RTI, some Divisions are assigning the works of Office Superintendent Grade-II then Head Clerk to Assistants.  Hence the Directorate may define the nature of work to be distributed to Assistants in Division Office as per the provisions under CPWD Manual for the post of Office Superintendents and the pay and perks should be brought at par with the CPWD. 
Compassionate appointments
Number of compassionate appointment cases pending at various levels in the Civil Wing.  Hence the cases may be got it processed and the appropriate level.
Non-permitting of practicing time and leave for Sports Persons as per the direction of Circle Heads
In number of cases, the Executive Engineers under the Bangalore Circle not permitting the Sports Persons to undergo the practice time as per rules and leave as sanctioned by the Circle Heads for participation in the Division/Circle/National Level competitions which is highly irregular and loss of inspiration to Sports Persons.  Hence the Superintending Engineer, Bangalore and Executive Engineers under Bangalore Circle to follow the instructions in this regard.

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