Thursday, 27 April 2017


Shri Niraj Kumar
Chief Engineer (Civil)
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan
NEW DELHI-110001

Subject :  Transfer and Posting in the Non-Gazetted category staff of Postal Civil Wing
          With due respect, we would like to submit the following points for your kind re-consideration on the above subject.
          As per the discussion had under the chairperson ship of Major General Smt.Meena Datta, Additional Director General (Co-ordination) on 28.03.2017, the implementation of the orders issued on 02.02.2017 and 06.02.2017 have been extended upto 31.05.2017 as per the minutes issued (even though we have not received the minutes officially) but conveyed to your office to all Superintending Engineers to call for the options from the employees and sought compliance report by 15.06.2017.

          In this connection we would like to submit following points for your consideration:-

1.           Before deciding the transfer and posting of the staff as per the distribution now issued a uniform transfer posting policy for the ministerial staff is required to be finalised as at present there is no policy in this regard but the Superintending Engineers have issued circulars to all staff to submit options for transfer and posting. Without the uniform policy no staff is aware of his tenure in a station hence there are all possibilities of favouritism, pick and choose system by the concerned Superintending Engineers.  As on date in accordance with the existing instructions of the Government of India there should be a transfer and posting committee and the policy of transfer and posting policy should be supplied to them along with the options submitted by the officials and request of transfer on their personal grounds while the meeting is held and justified minutes have to be issued.  But now the practice is being followed in Civil Wing that prior to referring the case to T&P   Committee   in   the  Circle,  the   prior decisions
are conveyed by the Superintending Engineers to the Committee members and the minutes are issued accordingly hence there are number of litigations are arising after the issue of transfer orders.

2.           We are receiving enquiries from our rank and files posted at present in remote localities like Andaman & Nicobar Islands, North Eastern States stating that they are unable to submit the options because of the reason of unawareness of stations available for them under their circle itself. Most of the staff are not aware of the jurisdiction of the Postal Civil Circles in which they are working.  The incentives/benefits of transfers have also not been furnished by the Superintending Engineers as decided in the meeting. In the light of the above the date for submission of the options may be revised and target date of implementation of the orders may kindly be extended to a reasonable time after submission of the options.

In view of the above, it is requested that the Superintending Engineers may be directed to issue the sanctioned posts and stations available for options to the staff along with the stations and the tenure of service and accordingly the time.  Further, the uniform transfer and posting policy may kindly be finalised prior to holding the transfer and posting committee meeting in consultation with the recognised unions.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


 Copy to:

1.           Superintending Engineer, Postal Civil Circle, New Delhi/Ahmedabad/Mumbai/Bangalore/Kolkatta/Patna for favour of information and necessary action.
2.           The Secretary General, T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110001.




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